Hear Ye! Hear Ye!  Get The Best Free Tips For Better Copywriting


If content is king, copywriting is the town crier grabbing your attention. Its sole objective is to proclaim the latest and greatest about your business to persuade a visitor to buy from your company. The main difference between content writing and copywriting is in the purpose. Content writing aims to inform, entertain, or educate while copywriting entices, invites, and sells.

Like any craft, becoming a great copywriter can take years of experience to refine. To help you on your journey, we have gathered some of the best copywriting tips (and examples) to add to your arsenal and drive a better return on your ads.

The Art of Persuasion

Copywriting is, at heart, persuasion. It’s not just what you say that matters but how you say it that could very well be the difference in convincing someone to make a purchase, fill out a form, or sign up for your email newsletter. When you are trying to convince your audience to buy your product or service, consider using these persuasive keywords:

  1. You – Using the first person in your copy makes the reader feel special like you’re speaking to just them.
  2. Free – You might think this is overused, but most people love to receive free stuff.
  3. Because – When you give a reason that tugs at their heartstrings or solves a relatable problem, your audience will respond.
  4. Exclusive – Everyone wants to be part of the “in” or VIP crowd. Switch this one up using words such as members-only, invitation-only, first, or insider.
  5. Easy – People love to take the “easy street”. Tempt them with simplicity.
  6. Compare – We all want to know who’s the best. I compare everything! Don’t you?
  7. Best – This is a validation that you should not use lightly. But if you are the best, you should say so!
  8. Guaranteed – A word that lends authenticity. It’s reassuring. And it helps people to pull the trigger.
  9. Get – A verb that precedes a benefit. Get better results. Get more time. Get a better complexion. You can also use words like claim, start, try, grab, or give.
  10. Limited – We hate to miss out! Scarcity breeds conversions.

Connect With Your Target Audience

Copywriting finds connections that matter to both their audience and the business. The company Patagonia, for example, uses activism to appeal to its customers. Through the love of the great outdoors and a strong desire to protect the planet, they have built a loyal fan-base of like-minded consumers. Their 2020 Holiday copy states “Giving brings joy, what you give brings change.”   using the appeal of buying (their) clothing made with humane and sustainable practices.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Copywriting is born out of listening.  When consumers are looking to solve a problem they are facing, they may use online forums to pose questions. They may also provide valuable feedback via online review platforms. Social media is another useful platform to learn more about your target audience’s needs and desires. Using the language and terms your customers use, you have an opportunity to bridge the gap by matching your messaging.

Don’t Be A Sesquipedalian

As a copywriter, we love being creative with vocabulary, but you must be careful to avoid jargon and hyperbole – that stuff makes you look smarmy.

Remember K.I.S.S.

No, not that 80s rock band with big hair, tight pants, and the iconic makeup and tongue. K.I.S.S. is an acronym for “Keep It Super Simple” (or “Keep It Simple, Stupid” depending on your circle). Consumers get bombarded with emails, banner ads, and video ads daily. With their time being of the greatest asset, make sure your message gets right to the point. If you do have room to make it longer, make it pack a punch.

Don’t Forget to PAS

One of the best formulas for persuasive writing is PAS: Problem-Agitate-Solve. Start by identifying a problem your consumers face, rile them up (or agitate) by tugging on their emotional conflict with the issue at hand, and then WAM! Come in on your trusty steed and save the day by showing how your company solves the problem.

Here are some great examples of PAS in action:

Snow got you down? Are you worried you or someone you love might slip? Fortunately, there’s Acme Snow Shoes to the rescue.

Tired of not getting the girl? You’re not alone. Scientists say that a sense of smell can be just as enticing as looks when it comes to attraction. Find your perfect scent – and hers – with Manly Stink.

Are you inundated with cords? Phone chargers, cables, power cords, wires! Are they protruding from closets, threatening to take over? Try the new cord wrangler!  The best way to get organized.

Now that your bag is filled with the king’s copywriting treasure go out there and ring in those sales.

Happy copywriting!







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